Friday, June 1, 2018

The Rats Are Leaving the Ship Because All the Sailors Have Gone Mad!!!

I like guns, they're fun to fire... 
at people I don't like, people who say dumb things, 
I don't need a gun to protect myself because I, 
like most Americans, 
live in a relatively nice neighborhood with nice people around, 
except when they say or do or act stupid... 
then well I want to shoot them... 
I don't like knives because it forces me to stand face to face with the person I want to... 
you know what... 
I want to stand far enough away so they don't have a chance to retaliate... 
doesn't matter who that person is; 
man, woman or child, mother, father, brother, sister, best friend, love or hate them... 
say, do, act stupid... 
BANG!!! everybody's doing it... 
why shouldn't I?
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