Friday, May 25, 2018

Clarity, the nothingness of existence

Our lives, molecules squirming passed each other specimen slide vying for a comfortable position in amongst other, but never do. 
I'm still among them trying to live among them, vy for a place. I may know how it works but I still live here. It may seem better not know, play dumb and just march along with the masses. I don't want to show anyone the way. 
That's why preachers and teachers of all kinds push to create sects to believe in. All I want to do is watch, observe and note the passing of time until I expire. Let's not make it difficult nor painful. Enjoy the decades as they pass left and write. The way things work is fine. I've always felt but unlike most I could never come to terms with the nothingness of existence. 
It's like I'm late to the game. 
Beyond knowing the simplest of truths there seems to be nothing else; what is beyond the simple truth. 
There is no blue medal or a great award. There is nothing know. I've written and thought about this for a very long time but now, it is clear.

Clarity isn't anything new and life has been made clear for so many before. Doesn't make you a better person or even a good person, really, what is good, what is bad. It's still very easy to take advantage of people. 
Is that it all there is? 
I could stay blind to the lack of importance of truth and just accept what I've been shown.

I feel almost let down, disappointed in the conclusion; where's the cheese. As if I've completed the maze and I get nothing for it. So why not have fun running through the maze when the maze is actually the point? Or make it the point?
I feel like there's nothing more to say.
All this life and that's all there is...
Makes me almost angry but I found the truth and it's so simple yet humankind makes it so complex and tragic wrapping in so much myth that it has killed people. 

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