Wednesday, April 28, 2021


Existence Everything we experience is a result of our imagination and our fears, nothing is real… everything… We can never know ourselves but we try and imagine the result…which is the reality we desire... 
We are born and from the moment we are born we desire and assume… 
It isn't until adulthood that we try to reconstruct birth but much like the Big can never be experienced again… 
The experience we call and assume is reality isn't real… 
We belong here and we don't… 
The Big Bang is birth… Death is the space in between physical existences...

Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York...
Now living and working in the SF Bay Area and Toronto...
I've seen things...from there to here...
Indifferent and unexpected...
All those moments lost in time, like tears in rain...
And like all living things, waste away...


Camera & Lighting Design for film & video live action and table top
Studio & Field Video/Film/Webcast Production Management/ Facility Management
Web Streaming using Wirecast, OBO, Xsplit, and Custom applications
Adobe Creative Suite including Premiere, Photoshop, After Effects, Connect
Media & Facilities Management
Creative Writing
Film & Digital Photograpy

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