Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Viejo Mundo / La Vida De La Dona

Viejo Mundo


"Hurakan..."spoke El Cacique. "I can smell the water of the great sea burning"... said El Cacique...

"The dead..."
"To speak of the dead is wrong..."
"Men of no color?"
"Men of any color?"

Canimao and his men gathered the remains of the men of no color, the men of no color, who suffered the storm...
"They are dead and deserve rituals of their dead..."
"They are dead, Cacique," said Canimao... "We do not know their ways...
"Nor do we know their intent... They consume without the intent of nourishment...
Canimao...since you will explore where they come from... It is your choice...
We will...gather their remains from the beach and ready them for transport...It is a long journey and I fear we will know what we fear to know...
The fear of where these men come from...
Return them to rest...
I fear they will come back..."Cacique shooed them away....and to himself he spoke.
"We arrived to this world too late and the world will return us too soon...
They're hunger is like the heat of an angry fire...
The fear is they are seekers of desires, of lonely people who never stop looking for they know not what they seek...
Their desire, their urge is insurmountable... a mountain never to be looked upon or climbed upon..."

Canimao and his men gathered the bodies...
They had been laying dead for days after the storm and Canimao and his men found their bodies while gathering supplies for their own expected journey across the great sea...
The great sea was tormented...inundating them with a great wash...
Canimao climbed out of the boat and let the cold of the great water wash over his legs. Looking back across the sea where so much of their lives had been spent in the recent months of their voyage. Here they arrived to find and explore the land of men with no color that would bring them to the land of the men they sought, the men who died in a terrible storm that lashed the shores of Canimao's home land. Saddened by the lost men and their failed quest...Cinimao's quest succeeded with his warriors quest to bring them home.
Canimao gathered his warrior's and searched for the items of the lost men. They were pale men challenging what is known by the people's bohiques, surmising the dead man's origin and considered adding the found men to return them to their people and their land...
Canimao's spear, tethered to his waist, a shield held in his arm, six warrior's, all exhausted from there long trip, still healthy and fit but thinking of rest and hunger. They found a place to camp among in the tree, hidden from view of any natives. Finding their bodies laid about the beach, Canimao asked his people for volunteers, to help gather their bodies and things then try and transport them all back to their homes, a dangerous and great distance away...The dead men were sailors from a land over the horizon. A consult with the chiefs and bohiques led them to understand where the pale men were from.
Canimao once heard of people like them who's color was pale compared to him and his people. Their home, a journey long and far away on the great water and much preparation would be involved.
Canimao, I have heard of these men but have never seen them, they are explorers of riches and only riches, they seek wealth from others to add to their wealth as their own. Your quest is your own but know their lust stains them as blood. But know the consequences of your journey.
In the year 1491, inhabitants of a land far across the Atlantic, arrived on the shores of Portugal. Canimao and his crew arrived in a large seaworthy vessel with the personal belongings of the men they found after having succumbed to a terrible storm off the shore of Canimao's land. Each, equipped with survival pouches, and information describing the men whose lives they tried to save; men who arrived across the ocean in a land they believed was in Portugal
"Canimao, how will we find those who knew those men?"
Shaking his head side to side, "I don't know yet, we don't know the language, who the men were, I don't know how but we shall try with their goods of trade."
Canimao and his crew disembark from their sailing ships and scan the forests perimeter, looking for signs of life while dragging their boats up from the waves onto the shore. They quickly unloaded the boats of their goods and packed the remains of the men of no color, the items that were theirs and lay them beside the their own and the lay down to relax and rest and ponder their journey. They had After some thought they will walk along the edge of the forest without delving too far from shore prowl along the forests in search of someone who might help them find the origins of the men they helped. They do this without calling attention to themselves. Skirting along the edge of villages they judge who they will try and communicate with... They watch the daily lives of the inhabitants of this new land and they wonder...
His name was Lilo, by age, young but much older in spirit so much so they all noticed... Canimao especially took not of his will and his demeanor though and they didn't know each other's language and seemed to talk easily..
Canimao knew to show Lilo the items he brought to represent the men who he returned across with them...
Lilo one of them and understood them to be the men testing the waters for a great voyage...
They meet a boy during the effort to find food, a boy Lilo from Portugal was curious and very helpful helping..Lilo is able to help the men escape from near capture of the colonialists who were gathering funds and supplies for the Kings mission to find more of the world and it's riches...
Lilo helped gather the few goods needed by the visitors to start their return journey across the waters to their lands.
What is left is still to be had... To be taken and will be the claim of the northern European over the original black men
Six other able men and six able men who died as a terrible storm lashed the shores of Canimao's home.
The world is finite despite the belief of many...


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